Well, my running anyway. Still worrying about how to pay for the roof and had a sub-par run this morning. Just 2.5 miles and took it easy, but was still slower than I would have liked and felt like I ran harder than I did. Hopefully I can shake it off and do a little better on Thursday. Maybe I'll solicit Internet donations like other people have in the past. "Send me a dollar so I can buy a car, get new boobs etc..." Our situation certainly isn't any less important than those, right? Oh well, who knows?
The Snoogie is feeling better. He still has a cough, but not that nasty, barky cough he had with the croup. It's just a little wet sounding; like he's got some congestion with a regular cold. Other than that he's his normal, wildman-of-Borneo self. He likes hockey and got all excited when I turned on the Lightning game last night. He'll sit there and watch it for as long as his attention span lets him and then goes off and plays, but comes running back in with his hands in the air if he hears the horn go off.
Lightning lead the series 2-1. one more game at home and then back to NJ. Here's hoping that they head back there after Wednesday 3-1. GO BOLTS!
I Got Fired.
8 years ago
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