Leaky roofs suck. We had a bunch of rain on Tuesday and discovered we have 2 leaks in the roof. They don't look too bad, but "the roof is leaking..." is not an instant message you want to get at work. I crawled up in the attic after dinner that night and it appears to just be two little spots where it's seeping in and then running down the trusses. I think the only reason that it leaked at all is because we had a heavy, soaking rain all day on Tuesday and it saturated the roof enough that it started to seep through. Hopefully when the roofing company comes out to give an estimate, they will be able to repair the bad spots and not try to coerce me into replacing the entire roof. Heck, the thing is less than 15 years old.
The Snoogie is sick. He barfed this morning and has a fever. Beth is taking him to the pediatrician this morning. I hope it's just the flu or a stomach virus; he got into the bathroom yesterday and was playing in the toilet and I'm all paranoid that he's sick because of that. Fingers crossed.
UPDATE 8:30pm: Jack has croup. Much better than if he had some type of toilet mung. He's on antibiotic and prednisolone; he's had this before and should be fine in a few days.
Came across this on a forum I hang out in. Nice to see that NYPD had all of those murders, robberies, assaults, gang activity, etc... all straightened out at the time and had nothing better to do.
Woke up this morning and my back felt sooo much better. I did a nice, easy run today; just 2.5 miles. It was a little humid due to the rain last night, but it was in the low 60s, so it felt great. Even with the little bit of lingering back pain and the layoff due to said back pain, I held an acceptable pace and felt really good. I'm really looking forward to finding a race for this summer and seeing if I can improve on one or both of my PRs. The best part of the run this morning however, was no worries about possible bear attacks.
STILL haven't seen the results for the Bolt Run and it's really starting to bug me. I emailed the race director on Friday, but haven't heard a peep from her. In the grand scheme of things, my placement isn't all that important - I know how I did against my previous time - but, It would still be nice to measure myself against other runners. Although, if I was Ty Webb, I would do that by height.
I woke up yesterday and my lower back/hip were killing me; it hurt to move. So, needless to say, I skipped the planned long run. I wanted to do 7 or 8 miles, but it hurt to walk to the bathroom, let alone to run for an hour or more. I laid on the heating pad for a half hour or so and then hit that spot with the percussion massager for about 5 or 10 minutes. It didn't seem like it really did anything at the time, but I felt pretty good this morning when I got up. Hopefully, it will go away completely in the next few days and I'll be right back on track.
From the some people have more money than sense dept, there is this gem. I suppose that's on par with buying someone a diamond so big, it will make them puke. Of course, if you've got that kind of a wad to drop on a car accessory, you would probably pay someone to puke for you.