Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ahh... the crapfest continues.

When I separated from the firm a couple of weeks ago, I was told by the HR person that my accumulated vacation (3 weeks' worth) would be paid out to me on 12/15. Imagine Beth's shock when she checked our account and there was  only a deposit for what amounted to 2 days' pay. She freaked; as did I, but I was able to keep it together enough to secure a loan from mom to cover us until the end of the month. (Mom ROCKS!) After I dropped Jack off at pre-k, I called the HR call center to figure out WTF happened. The HR manger was wrong is what happened. Vacation is not paid out until the end of the month. I explained the situation to the HR rep I had on the phone and she is working to get an emergency payout of my vacation that, if approved, I should have in my hands on Monday. A crappy way to start the day, but I seem to have salvaged something of it.

I stopped in to where Beth works to let her know that I'm not getting screwed out of that money and that everything was taken care of, thinking that would set her mind at ease (as much as possible in this crappy situation anyway) and I was met with an icy stare. Not the reaction I was expecting and not the support I was hoping for. I know this is a crappy situation we're in and it's scary as f#*%, but I had nothing to do with this SNAFU. And, I managed to get it taken care of. I wasn't expecting a ticker tape parade or a hero's welcome, but JFC, something other than a look to kill would've been nice. Of course, had I managed to stay employed, it never would have happened to begin with. 

Oh well, off to Monster.com, etc... in my quest to fix this shit.

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